
Golden Hoof Ride
05 May 2015
Thumbnail Newtonmore on the Weekend of Fri 5th to Sun 7th June The Golden Hoof Ride (Scotland) will hopefully be an annual event with the first one in 2015. It will be for people and horses who enjoy long...

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60th Anniversary Celebrations at Newtonmore Riding Centre

Carriage Driving at Newtonmore Riding Centre
Equine-Extravaganza at Newtonmore Riding Centre
Inclusive-Holidays at Newtonmore Riding Centre
Trekking and Hacking at Newtonmore Riding Centre

School Holiday Programme

Summer Plan for Active Schools Program – Summer Holidays – 2010 (Pre-booking Essential for all sessions)







5th July Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Intro to Horse Riding and Pony Care

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

6th July Tuesday,

7th July Wed,

2 Day - Non Residential Pony Club Camp

Restricted to members of The Pony Club

10am to 4pm

£30.00 per person

Max 16 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

11th July Sunday


Riding, Games, Carriage

Supported by local Sports Council

11am to 4pm

Minimum Cost


Catering on site from the “Hungry Horse” Barbeque

12th July Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Own a Pony Day, basic skills and Trekking

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

13th July Tuesday

Full Day Carriage Driving Activity at NRC

Introduction to Basic Carriage Driving

10am to 4pm

£30.00 per person

Max 10 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

19th July Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Own a Pony Day, Riding and Stable Management

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

26th July Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Improve Riding Skills & Intro to Mounted Games

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

2nd August Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Horses & Map Reading, Navigation & Wild Ride

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drink, waterproofs

3rd August Tuesday

Full Day Activity at NRC

Introduction to Carriage Driving Trials & Comp.

10am to 4pm

£30.00 per person

Max 10 - bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs

9th August Monday

Full Day Riding and Pony Care Activity at NRC

Horse Expedition and Picnic up Glen Banchor

10am to 4pm

Also Mini Time 9am-1pm

£30.00 per person

Mini Time £15.00

Max 20 - bring packed lunch, drink, waterproofs

10th August Tuesday,

11th August Wed,

2 Day - Non Residential Pony Club Camp

Restricted to members of The Pony Club

10am to 4pm

£30.00 per person

Max 16 bring packed lunch, drinks, waterproofs


Full Days at NRC: The Monday activities are designed to be a progressive program but children can join the program at any stage. No prior experience is necessary.

Mini Time at NRC: This is aimed at our 5-9 year olds and only lasts for 3 hours and is a junior version of the Full Day for our younger clients.

Carriage Driving: This is a great activity for anybody who may feel too nervous to actually ride. No prior experience is necessary and it is not necessary to actually drive.

WEEKLY SATURDAY - Saddle Club: All through the summer holidays weekly Saddle Club will run on Saturdays at 10am and 1pm as normal. Pre-booking is required and the cost of each session is £12.00 for regular locals. For visitors and non-regulars an additional Saddle Club could be run on Saturdays at 3:30pm (For non-regulars it is £15.00). Saddle Club lasts for 2 hours, if you are interested please call for more details.

Pony Club (Membership of The Pony Club is essential for this)

Un-mounted Rallies(non riding) is on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month all year round from 3:30pm to 5:00pm (£6.00 per session which includes the cost of all achievement badges and certificates)

Mounted Rallies and 2 Day non-residential Camps (This includes riding) are normally held during school holidays (Easter, Summer, October, Xmas) Cost is £30.00 per Day.

Colour Key Code: WHITE = Full Days and Mini-Time, YELLOW = “Have a Go” Open Day, GREY = Carriage Driving, BLUE = Pony Club 2 day non residential Camps.

Download the 2010 Summer holiday programme here.

Previous holiday programmes

Download full details of the 2009 Christmas holiday events here.

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Working holidays

You have the opportunity to come and stay with us, help out with the animals and the riding centre as well as ride and make some new friends!


Ladies club

Image of a ponyIf you would like to ride affordably and help out around the centre, Ladies club may be just for you.


Trail riding

Hill trekkingRough Highland country trail rides available.

Come and join us in these spectacular surroundings.


Pony club

pony clubAre your kids wanting to learn more about horses and ride on a regular basis, Pony Club may be for them.

Find out more...